Five Game Changing Resolutions for Leaders

Five Game Changing Resolutions for Leaders

New Year’s Resolutions have become something of a cliché in our culture, even the butt of jokes. Why? Because our collective failure to keep those resolutions—to lose weight, to save money, to call Mom every week—has rendered them semi-ridiculous, the stuff of...
Leadership Assessment: Power of Introspection

Leadership Assessment: Power of Introspection

“I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways and no message could’ve been any clearer. If they wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.” These Michael Jackson lyrics may be...
Leading in Crisis: Be Calm and Have a Plan

Leading in Crisis: Be Calm and Have a Plan

Leadership is never more important than in times of crisis, whether minor on not-so-minor. When things go south, people have a natural tendency to become agitated, even panic. They also begin to question the decision-making of those above them on the org chart and the...

Leadership Tools

The 9 Virtues of Exceptional Leaders: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential offers guidance from leadership expert Dr. Karl Haden and noted education writer Rob Jenkins. Everyone has the inborn capacity to lead-it is only a matter of unlocking that potential. This...