Chart Your Organization’s Future Success
With unrivaled experience, we guide organizations and institutions to create their sustainable futures through strategic planning.
Strategic Planning for Better Outcomes
Strategic planning is the process through which an organization envisions its future and develops the necessary strategies and actions to achieve that future. In today’s rapidly changing environment, AAL considers the life of a strategic plan to be approximately three to five years, with regular monitoring and course adjustments. Our integrated strategic planning model ties together your people, resources, and outcomes assessment. We also believe the involvement of the senior leadership is crucial to a successful planning process and the implementation that follows.
AAL has helped numerous health professions schools and colleges with the strategic planning process. Our experts have experience doing strategic planning in medicine, dentistry, physician assistant programs, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and more.
Dr. Dee Ramsel discusses the importance of strategic planning for health professions programs in an academic setting and the process of working with AAL to put one together.
Doctor Dee Ramsel has an award-winning career as a clinical psychologist, a mental health executive, a college professor, and the former Executive Director of the Veterans Health Administrations National Center for Organizational Development. She’s a Senior Consultant with AAL.
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Our Strategic Planning Philosophy
We believe that strategic planning should be a consensus-building process. It should foster a culture of inclusiveness and enhance organizational performance through open communication and clear, actionable plans that support priorities.

Strategic Planning: 5 Common Challenges
Strategic planning is a process, an outcome, and—in its best form—a roadmap used by stakeholders throughout an organization to move the organization toward higher levels of achievement. Strategic planning is also a much-maligned endeavor, subject to the usual (and...
How Our Process Works
Our experts guide your organization through five essential planning phases and customize solutions based upon your unique needs.

Case Study
University of the Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry
As is common with leadership change, the Dugoni School wanted a fresh plan that would charge the school with innovating and challenging the status quo. AAL helped leadership create a strategic plan that helps steer the school’s priorities, goals, and objectives.

Additional Resources

Cloud-based Management and Outcomes Reporting
AAL can provide a cloud-based platform for managing the implementation of the strategic plan. The platform provides a variety of reports and dashboards to track progress in real-time, to coordinate planning efforts across units, and to assess outcomes.

Climate and Engagement Surveys
AAL also offers valid and reliable surveys to assess organizational culture and employee engagement. These surveys provide input on a variety of culture drivers to help analyze problem areas and align employees and units to achieve better outcomes and to improve job satisfaction..