2019 July AAL Newsletter

Relation-Based Leadership for the 21st Century by Evelyn Booth & Jonathan Silk How do we lead in a world that’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous? Scholars Evelyn Booth and Jonathan Silk suggest that incorporating people-first, relationship-focused...

2019 June AAL Newsletter

Does Absentmindedness Affect Life Balance? by Dr. N. Karl Haden Founder and President of AAL, Dr. N. Karl Haden, shares his perspective on one of his favorite topics in leadership: life balance. Using the philosopher Sōren Kierkegaard’s words as context, he...

2019 April AAL Newsletter

Put Hope into Practice by Jeanie Cockell & Joan McArthur-Blair Hope is a key element of leadership, but practicing it can be difficult for many. Leadership experts Jeanie Cockell and Joan McArthur-Blair provide readers with bites of wisdom to help you navigate...

2019 March AAL Newsletter

How Regret Can Be Your Friend by Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries “Dealing with regret is a universal human experience,” writes INSEAD Professor Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries. Considering this, leaders ought to leverage the effects of regrets for self-improvement...

2019 February AAL Newsletter

There’s only one thing office employees really need for “wellness” by Lila MacLellan Quartz at Work reporter Lila MacLellan flips the script on the current workplace wellness trend, posing this question: instead of easing pressures off the clock, why not take...

2019 January AAL Newsletter

Why Researchers Say the Best Leaders Give the Worst Feedback by Brian de Haaff Giving negative feedback is tough and it’s tempting to avoid it altogether. Aha! CEO Brian de Haaff reminds us that the best leaders are honest and provide feedback – whether it...