2019 June AAL Newsletter
Does Absentmindedness Affect Life Balance?
by Dr. N. Karl Haden
Founder and President of AAL, Dr. N. Karl Haden, shares his perspective on one of his favorite topics in leadership: life balance. Using the philosopher Sōren Kierkegaard’s words as context, he discusses the relationship between life balance (or lack thereof) and absentmindedness. How can we alleviate the ailment of absentmindness and regain control of time in our personal and professional lives?
Five Common Communication Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)
by Matt Abrahams
Instead of trudging through an unengaging and therefore ineffective presentation, try upgrading your communication skills to make them better. Stanford lecturer Matt Abrahams shares five common errors you may engage in while presenting and how you can correct them. In turn, you can expect increased efficiency and productivity in your meetings.
Life Hacks from Marcus Aurelius: How Stoicism Can Help Us
by Knowledge@Wharton
What do you know about Stoicism? Have you ever applied its practices to your professional life? Author Marcus Aurelius is interviewed on his new book, How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius and walks us through how Stoicism can be applied in business settings. “If we want to suffer less, we need to learn to embrace our pain and live with it without struggling against it as much,” he says.
Create a Workplace Where Everyone Feels Comfortable Speaking Up
by Khalil Smith, Chris Weller, & David Rock
In an organizational psychology study at a hospital, one researcher found that those perceived to have higher status are more likely to speak their mind in critical, life-or-death situations. NeuroLeadership Institute members Khalil Smith, Chris Weller, and David Rock review why creating an environment that fosters speaking up is important and provide tips on how to do so.
Nine Bad Habits You Must Break to be More Productive
by Dr. Travis Bradberry
Are you aware of your bad habits and how they are impacting your work productivity? Dr. Travis Bradberry, author and expert in emotional intelligence, lists nine of the worst offenders so you can more easily identify them and reduce their occurrence – in and out of the workplace.