Lisa Eichelburger, PhD, RN

Dean at Clayton State University, College of Health & Professor of Nursing 

Dr. Lisa Eichelberger is the Dean Emeritus of the College of Health at Clayton State University where she led the department for more than 16 years. She is also a professor at the university for both undergraduate and masters-level courses. Dr. Eichelberger currently is Executive Director on a federal Health Resources and Services Administration grant, through Southern Regional and Clayton State University, focused on increasing the COVID-19 vaccination rates in Clayton County, GA. She and her grant team are coordinating the collective resources and services of Southern Regional’s leadership members, Clayton State University, Clayton County Health District, Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services, Clayton County Public School System, Clayton County Chamber of Commerce, Clayton County Association of Christian Ministers, Clayton County Senior Services, Clayton Country Board of Health Comprehensive Facility, and local clinics​.