2019 July AAL Newsletter
Relation-Based Leadership for the 21st Century
by Evelyn Booth & Jonathan Silk
How do we lead in a world that’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous? Scholars Evelyn Booth and Jonathan Silk suggest that incorporating people-first, relationship-focused priorities into your leadership will help you navigate this challenging world. In turn, you end up with an organization where teams can thrive.
Our Dangerous Obsession with Perfectionism is Getting Worse
by Thomas Curran
The pursuit of perfection can be tempting for leaders, but it may be more detrimental than beneficial. Thomas Curran, a social psychologist, reviews how pressures to be perfect are causing us harm. For educators, his words offer insight on how to interact with students.
Are You Working on You? Questions for Improving the Quality of Your Leadership
by John R. Stoker
This piece from John R. Stoker, author and leadership expert, encourages self-reflection as we assess our awareness of our own leadership. He walks us through 10 questions to ask ourselves to help clarify our relationship with work.