2019 April AAL Newsletter
Put Hope into Practice
by Jeanie Cockell & Joan McArthur-Blair
Hope is a key element of leadership, but practicing it can be difficult for many. Leadership experts Jeanie Cockell and Joan McArthur-Blair provide readers with bites of wisdom to help you navigate your personal practice of hope.
The Life of a CEO: Set the Direction, Communicate Often and Be Inspiring
by Adam Bryant
Learn about Herman Miller CEO Andi Owen’s approach to leadership through her interview with Adam Bryant. She discusses how her habit of switching to different departments gave her the skill and tool sets to tackle the CEO position, as well as the importance of communication.
Your Emotions at Work Are Contagious
by Daniel Goleman
As a leader, your emotions can spread amongst your team. Emotional intelligence expert Daniel Goleman writes about how the emotions you exhibit can actually be infectious in nature by directly influencing the emotions of your team members.
Four Things Servant-Leaders Never Say
by Keith Corbin
Does your service push you to be the best leader you can be? That’s service leadership. Keith Corbin, leadership coach and mentor, has suggestions on how to best embody service leadership; specifically, what phrases you ought to avoid.
The Cure for the Loneliness of Command
by Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries
For some, it truly is lonely at the top. For those struggling with the feelings of stress and burnout that result, Professor Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries of INSEAD offers strategies to persevere and overcome.
8 TED Talks That Will Change Your Life
by Jessica Stillman
Do not underestimate the power of a TED Talk: web users recently shared the speeches that truly changed their lives. Writer Jessica Stillman compiled their answers into a top eight list.