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2019 February AAL Newsletter

There’s only one thing office employees really need for “wellness”

by Lila MacLellan

Quartz at Work reporter Lila MacLellan flips the script on the current workplace wellness trend, posing this question: instead of easing pressures off the clock, why not take preventative measures to target causes of burnout and anxiety?

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To Be More Comfortable with Conflict, You Need “Bone-Deep Confidence.”​

by Adam Bryant

For Managing Director at Merryck & Co. Adam Bryant, the phrase “bone-deep confidence” especially resonated. He interviews Barbara Khouri, creator of the expression, on conflict, time, and management.

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6 reasons why you’re a bad listener (and how to change it)

by Stephanie Vozza

Fostering others’ success is a priority for good leaders, and “[t]o help others succeed you have to become good at listening.” Stephanie Vozza shares some tips on improving lacklustre listening skills.

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Habits come from what we do, not what we want to do

by Robby Berman

There is now more support for the idea that repetition solidifies habits. Writer Robby Berman reviews a new paper from Psychological Review (linked within) that studied digital mice to research habit formation.

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2019 January AAL Newsletter

Why Researchers Say the Best Leaders Give the Worst Feedback

by Brian de Haaff

Giving negative feedback is tough and it’s tempting to avoid it altogether. Aha! CEO Brian de Haaff reminds us that the best leaders are honest and provide feedback – whether it be positive or negative – with kindness.

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What Is the Whole-Person Approach to Training and Development?

by Jennifer Post

The whole-person approach looks at an individual and his or her entire life. By accounting for the entire individual, we can better help them achieve success. Business News Daily contributor Jennifer Post makes a case for this holistic approach.

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Take 5: How to Take Charge of Your Professional Development

by Anne Ford

From the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Anne Ford delivers a collection of advice from faculty on how to directly control your professional development.

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The power of humility

by Nick Martin

Humility is crucial to great leadership, says Dr. Nick Martin of Aon. After explaning why humility is so important, he provides tips on recognizing and cultivating it within your organization.

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2018 November AAL Newsletter

The key to avoiding burnout when you can’t take time off

by Rebecca Fishbein

We are all familiar with the dangers of burnout. The most obvious solution is to take some time off, but what about for those who cannot do so? Rebecca Fishbein offers methods to lessen burnout that do not require vacation days.

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Leadership is Required to Preserve the Potential of Bold Ideas

by Jennifer Miller

The boldest inventions are most often created by unconventional thinking. Jennifer Miller discusses the importance of adopting a curious mind when faced with new ideas from staff, and offers advice to help you avoid “overzealous tweaking” of unique concepts.

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Take 5: Fine-Tuning Your Powers of Persuasion

by Anne Ford

“To win others to your cause, it helps to understand the subtle factors that influence everyday decision-making.” Anne Ford shares five tips to help you share your ideas in effective, persuasive ways.

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Three Traits of Leadership Longevity

by John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell reveals the secrets to surpassing the average tenure in a high-profile role: character, competence, and consistency. He argues that these traits, while hard to master, are the backbone to any leader’s longevity.

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Julia Dhar: How to disagree productively and find common ground

by Julia Dhar

Disagreement is inevitable – sometimes it feels like no one can agree on anything. Julia Dhar explores three techniques for approaching disagreement in a more productive manner. These strategies can be applicable in all parts of one’s life.

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Leadership Tools

The 9 Virtues of Exceptional Leaders: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential offers guidance from leadership expert Dr. Karl Haden and noted education writer Rob Jenkins. Everyone has the inborn capacity to lead-it is only a matter of unlocking that potential.

This book enables you to do just that, building on your natural ability and nurturing your leadership habits through specific behaviors.

Effective leaders are not simply people who know a lot about good leadership; they are people who practice it every day. Homework exercises at the end of each chapter, with practical suggestions for developing all 9 virtues, show you how to unlock your leadership potential. With this book, you can become the leader you were meant to be.

Please visit the 9 Virtues website for more detailsexcerptspodcastreviews, the 9 Virtues blogordering information, and more.


AAL offers a variety of online and paper assessment tools to ascertain the professional development needs of individuals and organizations. These assessments include teaching and learning skills, management abilities, personal styles, team dynamics, and organizational culture. Please CONTACT US about any of the following:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders and Work of Leaders
  • Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI)
  • Change Style Indicator (CSI)
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
  • Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i)
  • Decision Style Profile (DSP)
  • Customized Professional Needs Assessment (PNA)

2018 October AAL Newsletter

Why Should Leaders Increase Their EQ

by John R. Stoker

Is your emotional quotient being nurtured as much as your intelligence quotient? DialogueWORKS president John R. Stoker provides ten reasons why leaders should seek to increase EQ.

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Make Sure Everyone On Your Team Sees Learning As Part Of Their Job

by Kristi Hedges

Leadership coach Kristi Hedges discusses the importance of fostering an environment where employees can be constantly learning. She advises some ways leaders can encourage team members to integrate learning into their job.

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Effective Communication Begins With You

by Steve Keating

If you have a team member whom you feel doesn’t listen, there are ways to motivate him or her to listen to you. Leadership guru Steve Keating goes over some methods to accomplish this so that you can communicate more effectively and be listened to.

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Four Ounces Of Prevention

by Wally Bock

Reflecting on Hurricane Florence and wishing we could stop hurricanes, leadership consultant Wally Bock offers four suggestions on how we can prepare for the unpreventable crises that impact our professional lives.

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The Best Bosses are Humble Bosses

by Sue Shellenbarger

More and more, employers are screening potential leaders for humility. Wall Street Journal columnist Sue Shellenbarger reviews why this is the case and just what is so crucial about humility.

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2018 September AAL Newsletter

How Empathy Can Help Your Company Get Ahead

by Michael Ventura

Sub Rosa founder and CEO Michael Ventura argues, “empathy is what can help a company vanquish the competition, gain loyal customers, retain innovative employees, and elevate itself from good to great.” He discusses his book, “Applied Empathy: The New Language of Leadership,” which offers strategies for leveraging empathy for exponential growth.

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Be The Leader Your People Want

by Bob Rosen

CEO and founder of Healthy Companies Bob Rosen discusses a recent poll that revealed the importance Americans place on conscious leaders in improving an organization’s performance. Yet, only half of these respondents believe that their leaders behave consciously. Rosen gives tips on how to fill this gap and be a more conscious leader.

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Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness

by Ryne A. Sherman

Assistant professor of psychology at Florida Atlantic University Dr. Ryne A. Sherman views sports as a great way to examine the impacts of leadership on organizational effectiveness. In this article, Dr. Sherman recounts how FAU football coach Lane Kiffin turned the struggling team around thanks to excellent leadership.

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The Real Crisis in Leadership

by Rasmus Houggard

“A 2016 Gallup poll found that only 18% of managers demonstrate a high level of talent for managing others–meaning a shocking 82% of managers aren’t very good at leading people.” Rasmus Houggard examines the reasons for this troubling statistic which include: promotion based upon tenure and not humanistic skills, lack of humility and leadership training, and stressful work culture.

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