2018 September AAL Newsletter
How Empathy Can Help Your Company Get Ahead
by Michael Ventura
Sub Rosa founder and CEO Michael Ventura argues, “empathy is what can help a company vanquish the competition, gain loyal customers, retain innovative employees, and elevate itself from good to great.” He discusses his book, “Applied Empathy: The New Language of Leadership,” which offers strategies for leveraging empathy for exponential growth.
Be The Leader Your People Want
by Bob Rosen
CEO and founder of Healthy Companies Bob Rosen discusses a recent poll that revealed the importance Americans place on conscious leaders in improving an organization’s performance. Yet, only half of these respondents believe that their leaders behave consciously. Rosen gives tips on how to fill this gap and be a more conscious leader.
Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
by Ryne A. Sherman
Assistant professor of psychology at Florida Atlantic University Dr. Ryne A. Sherman views sports as a great way to examine the impacts of leadership on organizational effectiveness. In this article, Dr. Sherman recounts how FAU football coach Lane Kiffin turned the struggling team around thanks to excellent leadership.
The Real Crisis in Leadership
by Rasmus Houggard
“A 2016 Gallup poll found that only 18% of managers demonstrate a high level of talent for managing others–meaning a shocking 82% of managers aren’t very good at leading people.” Rasmus Houggard examines the reasons for this troubling statistic which include: promotion based upon tenure and not humanistic skills, lack of humility and leadership training, and stressful work culture.