2018 March AAL Newsletter
Microsoft’s CEO on the Power of Being a Learn-It-All
by Adam Grant and Heleo Editors
Microsoft CEO and bestselling author Satya Nadella and Wharton professor Adam Grant discuss the importance of empathy in business. “The source of innovation is your ability to grasp the unmet, unarticulated needs of customers,” says Nadella, who believes that good service spawns from empathy and strong listening skills.
How to lead authentically
by Naphtali Hoff
“Personal authenticity can become your greatest leadership asset,” states Naphtali Hoff in this discussion of authentic leadership in the age of social media. Hoff believes it is, now more than ever, most important to live in your comfort zone and find your “true north” as a leader.
Interprofessional Education and the Liberal Arts
by Karl Haden
President and CEO of AAL Karl Haden argues, “Reframing IPE to be more inclusive by integrating the liberal arts in professional education can help healthcare graduates overcome the limits of specialized training.” Dr. Haden believes that liberal arts programs provide a universal foundation to all professions, made of critical thinking, communication, intellectual curiosity and a love of learning.
Your First Thought Is Rarely Your Best Thought: Lessons on Thinking
by Shane Parrish
Have you given your brain a chance to surprise you lately? Shane Parrish discusses how scheduling time to think leads to innovation and problem-solving. While it may be inconvenient to schedule a one-on-one with yourself from time to time to think, Parrish argues that it “pays you back tenfold in the end.”
Breaking Through Joy Barriers in Our Organizations
by Scott Savage
Scott Savage defines joy barriers as “the attitudes and mindsets which keep us from contentment, confidence, and delight in our organizations.” Entitlement, cynicism, critical spirits, selfish agendas, and fixed mindsets can have a huge, negative impact on work environments. Savage suggests removing these top five joy barriers to improve your company culture and morale.
Do we know what power is?
by Adriano Pianesi
Power in the workplace is much more than controlling others. Some of the world’s best leaders tackle problem-solving through collaboration, teamwork, and listening. Adriano Pianesi discusses the differences between “power over” and “power with,” defining the latter as “getting things done in concert with others, creating alliances, reaching out to engage differences in common and sharing work to get something done collaboratively.”