2018 June AAL Newsletter
Why Leaders Should Focus on Long-term Growth
by Brian Dumaine & Michael Useem
While it may be challenging to plan for long-term growth when the pressures of managing the short-term have become so great, Dumaine and Useem offer advice to help you juggle both. In their book Go Long: Why Long-Term Thinking is Your Best Short-Term Strategy, the authors contend that building connections with long-term investors is key to tackling your vision: “75% of all equity is actually held by long-term investors … Part of the trick is to find out who those long-term shareholders are in your corporation and go to them, gain their support, express to them a very vivid and persuasive long-term vision for your company.”
Communicate Clearly and Openly
by Naphtali Hoff
Being a better leader, especially on an understaffed team, requires exceptional communication. Naphtali Hoff urges leaders to schedule weekly team meetings, promote two-way feedback, schedule no-interruption work periods, and plan on downtime to maximize and strengthen team bonds.
How a Nontraditional Presidency Can Succeed
by Todd Adams
Todd Adams discusses the ways in which college and university leaders with little to no background or experience in academia can become successful in their roles. Through his time on the presidential search committee at Florida State University, Adams has learned three major components to success: communication is critical, faculty members need to be willing to work with the new president, and some education about your organization is necessary.
Edmentum CEO Jamie Candee on the Importance of Taking Risks
by Patrick Gorman
Jamie Candee sits down with Chief Executive to discuss the ways in which her diverse job background positively impacted her success as a CEO. Candee asserts that understanding your team’s challenges, and failures, as well as how they culturally operate, grants a unique perspective: “To be successful as a leader, it’s really understanding what motivates people, how to create a culture and an environment where they thrive.”
To Be the Best, Invest in Relationships and Results
by S. Chris Edmonds
S. Chris Edmonds encourages the use of three game-changing tactics to influence others in the workplace—tactics successfully implemented by Tamara McCleary, internationally recognized expert on branding, influence, and social business. Edmonds argues that by connecting with employees, collecting data regarding their happiness, and evaluating the progress of their engagement, you can become a better leader.