2018 February AAL Newsletter

Feb 15, 2018 | Newsletter | 0 comments

Three Daily Sheets Guide Morgan Stanley’s CEO

by Erik Schatzker

Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman talks to Erik Schatzker about his leadership lessons, one of which is to keep three sheets of paper every day: daily numbers, personal goals, and company strategy. Gorman explains they provide focus and reveal important patterns and aberrations over time.

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Ten Behaviors Leaders Should Eliminate for Better Results

by John Stoker

John Stoker describes 10 behaviors to correct for better leadership. Do you forge ahead without soliciting–or, worse, listening to–input? Have you been told that you lack self-awareness? Stoker suggests you should “Pay close attention to how others are responding to you: whether they engage or seem intimidated, share their thoughts and feelings freely or only speak when absolutely necessary.”

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How Servant-Leaders Cultivate Performance

by Dan Rockwell

Explaining that the “choice between personal advantage and organizational advantage speaks to the heart of servant leadership,” Dan Rockwell suggests you weather the short-term disadvantage of developing and supporting your new team members, because it will pay off in long-term performance. He says, “Developing people means setting them up for success when it’s quicker and easier to do it yourself.”

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Mindfulness: Why Being Present Can Make You a Better Manager

by Knowledge@Wharton

Gretchen Steidle, author of Leading From Within: Conscious Social Change and Mindfulness for Social Innovation, discusses how mindfulness training can transform leadership, describing it as beneficial not just for the self, but also for the organization: It is “a way of shifting, creating change and doing business more effectively and more collaboratively, especially with your stakeholders.”

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ADA scholarships available for AAL’s Institute for Teaching and Learning

Three full-tuition scholarships are being granted by the ADA Council on Dental Education and Licensure to the Academy for Advancing Leadership's Institute for Teaching and Learning as part of the Association's commitment to supporting general dentist members who are...

The International College of Dentists awarded AAL Founder and President Dr. Karl Haden the Leadership Article Award

The International College of Dentists awarded AAL Founder and President Dr. Karl Haden the Leadership Article Award for his article "The Character of a Profession: The Next 100 Years," published in 2021 in the Journal of the American College of Dentists. The...

Leaders from 27 Universities Meet to Advance Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

IPEC and AAL convene the Interprofessional Leadership Development Program in Washington, D.C. Click here to download the press release.

AAL and the American Institute of Dental Public Health Teach Strategies for Success in Academic Healthcare Leadership to the Next Generation

The Academy for Advancing Leadership in partnership with the American Institute of Dental Public Health and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas convenes the Academic Leadership for Residents Program in Atlanta, GA. Click here to download the press release.