IPEC Interprofessional Leadership Development Program (ILDP)

Interprofessonal Education for Collaborative Practice: Leadership Strategies for Bridging the Gaps
For campus-wide leaders of IPE and residency/fellowship leaders in IPE for collaborative practice, the IPEC ILDP is a three-day, in-person professional development experience, distinguished by an emphasis on leading in an interprofessional environment.

IPEC Interprofessional Leadership Development Program (ILDP)

The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Interprofessional Leadership Development Program (ILDP) is a three-day, interactive professional development experience, distinguished by an emphasis on leading in an interprofessional environment. Facilitated by AAL, the ILDP engages leaders responsible for the development, implementation, and assessment of campuswide interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives, and residency/fellowship leaders in IPE for collaborative practice (IPECP).

Since 2017, more than 200 faculty and administrators from health professions education have participated in IPEC’s leadership program. Through the ILDP, participants build strong networks of colleagues, learn about successes at other institutions, and engage with national leaders in IPECP.

Those interested in receiving updates about this program can contact AAL at info@aalgroup.org.

What Our Alumni Say

  • “I think the program was excellent. There were many excellent sessions. They were very stimulating. They kept us moving, very thought provoking. I thought the program overall was well designed, and as I said very thought provoking. For the inaugural program, it was well put together. You could see the passion in the instructors, who were very well versed in the topics that they talked about. I’m really pleased to be a part of this, and as a social worker, I really got a great sense of how interprofessional education can be very instrumental in terms of social workers working in healthcare settings. I think this is the wave of the future, and this program will gain traction in the future. I’m just glad to be a part of it.”

    Martell Teasley, Dean, University of Utah College of Social Work

  • “The ability to learn, from, with and about my colleagues as well as the networking was invaluable. There were many amazing opportunities to apply the leadership assessments and to define strategies for how to take a program and create sustainable change.”

    Meg Zomorodi, Assistant Provost for Interprofessional Education and Practice, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing

  • “The topics, lecture, and activities were very helpful. Being placed into peer groups and the
    ability to bond I believe will be the longest-term benefit. My group provided great insight!”

    Saje Davis-Risen, Associate Dean, Pacific University, College of Health Professions of Interprofessional Education, Co-Director of PIPER, Pacific University, College of Health Professions

  • “I found this eye-opening, inspirational, and invaluable. Thank you to AAL for a great program.
    The feedback and support of my assigned peer group was fantastic, and I hope to stay in touch
    with them and continue to give and receive support, advice, and encouragement as we pursue
    excellence in IPE.”

    Jonathon Egan, Dean, Southern California University of Health Sciences, College of Chiropractic

  • “My terminal degree specialized in executive leadership, but as a life long learner and proponent of continuous quality improvement, I was looking for a program that would help me re-assess myself later in my career. The ILDP did just that. I’m very satisfied with the tools, speakers, and exercises provided. I head back to my Institution with a renewed sense of purpose and some really great ideas to propel IPE on campus and in the community.”

    Sherry Jimenez, Associate Dean for Assessment and IP, Lincoln Memorial College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • "Even though the conference was coached in IPE, the skills and methods presented help new
    deans in many ways. The peer group coaching was very helpful and I was amazed at the level
    of trust that develops in a short two days helps to utilize this tool.”

    Carolyn Ma, Dean, University of Hawaii, The Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy

  • “I thought the experience was wonderful for many reasons. It was broad in scope, and it had
    great depth. As important as the information that was shared, which was invaluable, I think the
    breadth and depth of the group who was represented here, with 15 different healthcare
    professions, a multiplicity of deans, as well as other healthcare administrators, led to a very
    robust and rich dialogue over the last three days. As I look at the way the program was
    designed, at the way that it flowed, it made great sense—no matter how much experience
    someone may have had with interprofessional education or interprofessional collaborative care,
    there was something everybody could latch onto, and then with the robust discussion, the rich
    discussion that took place at the tables, it got even more significantly robust as time went on
    because of the familiarity that developed. I think it added greatly to this inaugural program.”

    Henry Gremillion, Certification in Orofacial Pain, Dean, Louisiana State University, School of Dentistry

  • “The IPEC ILDP was three engaging days worth three years of IPE program development. Great presentations, great participants, and great experience. IPE starts with collaboration!”

    Robert Orlikoff, Dean, College of Allied Health Sciences East Carolina University

  • “I found the program to be very helpful for a couple of reasons. It focused our attention on
    fundamental leadership skills, but in the context of interprofessional education. It is relatively
    easier to find leadership development opportunities where we learn fundamental skills, but the
    application to a specific content area is what has been missing, so I believe the AAL course
    addresses that missed opportunity of application. Another thing that I found really helpful is the
    mix of leadership and the mix of organizations that were present, and to learn from our peers,
    and to benefit both from their successes and failures, is an exceptional opportunity to help us
    move IPE to the next level, whatever that may be.”

    Ozlem Ersin, Associate Dean, Interprofessional Education and Interim Academic Unit Head, Health Professions, James Madison University College of Health and Behavioral Studies